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By 2050 it is estimated that nearly 13 million people will suffer from this fatal disease. Early diagnosis and access to innovative treatments are critical to change this trajectory. And we’ve reached a defining moment.


The FDA has, and will continue to make, approval decisions for a class of medicines aimed to treat a subset of Alzheimer's patients this year, providing patients new options for care. Yet, access to timely and affordable care is at risk.  In an unprecedented decision, Medicare strictly limited coverage of these new FDA approved therapies for many living with mild Alzheimer’s Disease.

The Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease (PFCD) and more than 50 stakeholders. as well as current and former Members of Congress from across the country are calling for reconsideration of Medicare’s National Coverage Determination with Coverage with Evidence Development as this decision has ripple effects beyond just the Alzheimer's community and sets a dangerous precedent for other people living with chronic conditions. 

of voters agree that Medicare should provide all beneficiaries access to Alzheimer’s treatments


Medicare Can Help Give Alzheimer’s Patients More Time

PFCD / Caregiver Action Network Panel Discussion: What Alzheimer’s Patients & Caregivers Need Most

Congressional Leaders Champion Access for
People with Alzheimer's Disease

Medicare’s Coverage Decision: It’s Not Just About Alzheimer’s

New Poll: Medicare Beneficiaries Should Have Access to FDA-approved Alzheimer’s Medications

Living with Alzheimer’s disease should not be made worse by federal regulators singling the disease out for coverage restrictions and denying treatment. It’s time for Washington to modernize existing policies and reconsider its policy so patients aren't waiting for decades for treatments while their disease and related needs for care progress.

Patients deserve access to the current treatments that help fight this disease now.

State and Federal Leaders are Standing up for Alzheimer’s Patients:

Sen. Wyden Requests Information on How Medicare Will Administer Coverage for New Alzheimer's Medications 

Bipartisan Attorneys General Request Reconsideration of Medicare's Coverage Decision

Over 45 Members of Congress Urge HHS to Expand Access for Alzheimer's Treatments

Reps. Eshoo and Diaz Barragán request CMS clarity and transparency about the standards for coverage for FDA-approved treatments

Bipartisan Group of 20 Senators urge CMS to expand Alzheimer’s patients’ access to treatments

Energy & Commerce Committee Chair Rodgers Calls for CMS to Expand Coverage of Alzheimer’s Drug”

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